Rush Family History

The Story of the Rush Family

Generation 2

This page lists the nine children of John Henry Rush, the 5th child of Cecilia Herbert, and eldest child of Cecilia and John George Rush. You can view their stories and photographs from the links below.

Counting from Richard Rush (1730-1846) the Rush family spans 11 generations.

In August 1999 following the Rush family reunion, there were 1,126 descendants from John Henry Rush, with just over 1,030 living.

The entire Rush family tree has over 1,700 names.

Generation Two begins in 1868 with John Alphonsus Frederick, and ends in 1884 with Cecilia.

The author of this website, Dale Hartle, is descended from John Henry Rush through Henry Xavier Rush, Henry Reginald Rush, and Marie Daughan Valerie Rush.

Contact details

If you have any information or photos to add to the site, or any corrections, please contact Dale Hartle in Levin, New Zealand, by phone +64 021 45 34 24.