The Rush Family website has been produced by Dale Hartle, great-great-great granddaughter of Richard Rush. This website is a cut-down version of the book "A Humble Beginning", 2nd edition, produced by Dale Hartle and Steve Rush following the first major Rush Family Reunion in October 1998. The aim of the book, which has sold 250 copies, was to document and publish the Rush family history for the interest and benefit of the family, who are now living all around the world. This website incorporates updates and the latest family trees. You can print any or all of the pages here as you wish. Any copyright material is acknowledged.
A second Rush/Rodgers Family Reunion was held at Easter 2017 in Palmerston North.
Go to the Reunion webpage for full details, latest news and resources.
You will read the story of the Arrival of Cecilia Rodgers on the "Oriental" in February 1840, Richard Rush in 1841, and his son John George Rush.
The story of Generation 1 born in New Zealand, from Thomas Rodgers in 1840 to Pelagia Rush in 1861, and Generation 2 - the story of John Henry Rush and his descendents, documented in "A Humble Beginning", now covering seven generations.
You will also find pages discussing the places of importance to the family Essex in England, the Hutt Valley, and Palmerston North.
There are a number of historical photos of family members, as well as current family photos in the photo gallery.
We also list all the family members from Richard Rush in the family trees, as well as other Family Tree Reports and forms.
Information for this family website has been compiled from a number of sources including:
No more copies of this printed book are available. The contents are now on this website, which is being progressively updated. Portions of the original text is available in Word format for emailing. A fourth edition in draft format is now available on the Rush family Facebook site under files. You need permission to join, so send a friend request.
Current research is of the children of Richard Rush - those he left behind in England before his transportation to Australia in 1832. See the Richard Rush page for more information.
If you have any information or photos to add to the site, or any corrections, please contact Dale Hartle in Levin, New Zealand, by phone +64 21 45 34 24 or email me at mjhartle at (please adjust email address).
Last updated: 20 December 2024.