Sharp-Healy Family

The Story of the first two Generations


There are several places of special interest to the Sharp and Healy families.

Seacliff Hospital

These are documented in the history of Naseby and Kyeburn, where the Healy family lived.

Bendigo in Central Otago is the Braithwaite family holiday location, which has been shared with many members of the Sharp family over the years.

Seacliff Mental Asylum was the home to four members of the Healy family for many years, and one in particular (Patrick) for 56 years.

France is the final resting place of the family's war hero Denis Healy, which has been visited by Desmond Sharp. The involvement of Denis and Thomas Healy in World War One is documented in their personal stories.

Contact details

If you have any information or photos to add to the site, or any corrections, please contact Dale Hartle in Levin, New Zealand, by phone +64 21 453424 or email .