Sharp-Healy Family

The Story of the first two Generations


Cemetery Maps and List of Burials (pdf):

Family Tree

This page holds the Sharp-Healy family tree produced from a family tree program.

Family Tree

It has been compiled from a number of sources, including official documents (birth, death and marriage registers).

However there are still many gaps in the family tree.

Please check your section of the family tree and advise any corrections or updates to Dale Hartle by email (see link below).

The information required is:

  • Full name
  • Date and place of birth
  • Date and place of marriage
  • Date and place of death

If there are any divorces or partnerships, please give full details if you wish these to be included.

You can download and print these templates in pdf format to assist you in documenting your family tree.

Sharp Family Tree Reports - last updated 1 May 2010

Healy Family Tree Reports

Civil and Canon relationships

When you're viewing a Kinship report, you can see two columns labeled "Civil" and "Canon". These words, "Civil" and "Canon" refer to the degree of a relationship. The degree of a relationship is a legal term. It refers to the number of "steps" between two people who are related by blood.

Canon law is used in most of the United States. It measures the maximum number of steps from the nearest common ancestor. For example, you would be 2 direct steps away from your first cousin because your nearest common ancestor is one of your grandparents. So in this case, the degree is 2.

The degree in civil law represents the total number of steps through the blood line that separate two individuals. For example, there are 2 steps from you to your grandparent, and then 2 more steps back down to your first cousin, so the degree is 4.

Contact details

If you have any information or photos to add to the site, or any corrections, please contact Dale Hartle in Levin, New Zealand, by phone +64 21 45 34 24 or email .